Description: Animation and internationalization features can be used to enhance web applications and widen audience scope. This course covers how to implement CSS-based and JavaScript-based animation in AngularJS. You will learn how to use animation libraries such as animate.css within your applications, and how to internationalize and localize your AngularJS applications with features such as the ngPluralize directive, localization rule sets, and locale scripts.

Target Audience: Web developers looking to expand their skills with AngularJS

Duration: 01:57

Description: AngularJS has such a fluid design to the language that it makes testing essential for applications. The framework comes with a range of built-in tools to assist with this. In this course, you will learn how to test controllers, services, filters, and directives.

Target Audience: Web developers looking to expand their skills with AngularJS

Duration: 01:19

Description: Services are objects in AngularJS used to organize and share code in applications. In this course, you will learn about a large number of built-in services ranging from HTTP server interactions to exception handling and location services.

Target Audience: Web developers looking to expand their skills with AngularJS

Duration: 02:38

Description: The scope option of Angular JS is an object that contains a property for each isolate scope binding. Scopes provide APIs to observe model mutations and can be nested to limit access to the properties of application components while providing access to shared model properties. Controllers are constructor functions that set the initial state and add behaviors to objects. In this course, you will examine isolate scopes and work with controllers and directives.

Target Audience: Web developers looking to expand their skills with AngularJS

Duration: 01:43

Description: AngularJS is a JavaScript-based web development framework. Directives allow you to attach a behavior to an object. In the course, you will learn how to work with the built-in AngularJS directives and how to create custom directives.

Target Audience: Web developers looking to expand their skills with AngularJS.

Duration: 01:46

Description: AngularJS extends HTML attributes with Directives, and binds data to HTML with Expressions. In this course, you will be introduced to the AngularJS environment. You will also learn how to work with controllers and different inputs and outputs.

Target Audience: Web developers looking to expand their skills with AngularJS

Duration: 02:07