Description: There are a number of concepts and methodologies that encompass what is known as object-oriented design. In this course, you'll explore object-oriented design concepts such as Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion, and Dependency Injection, which help form the design methodology known as SOLID. You'll also explore how to implement all the parts of SOLID in an application.
Target Audience: Programmers and developers who want to design plans for writing better code
Duration: 02:41
Description: There are a number of concepts and methodologies that encompass what is known as object-oriented design. In this course, you'll explore object-oriented design concepts such as Agile, the Single Responsibility Principle, the Open-Closed Principle, and the Liskov Substitution Principle, which help to form the design method methodology known as SOLID.
Target Audience: Programmers and developers who want to design plans for writing better code
Duration: 02:23