Description: Google Cloud SQL allows applications created in the Google App Engine to access instances and their databases. Connections can be made using the various SDKs to post and view database information. Client libraries can also be used to allow access to the Google SQL API for managing the instances. In this course, you will learn how to connect to Cloud SQL instances using the MySQL client through the Google Cloud Compute and Google App Engine. You will also learn how to manage Cloud SQL instances using the Cloud SQL API. This course is one of a series in the Skillsoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Google Cloud SQL Qualification exam CPE303.
Target Audience: Solution developers, solution architects, systems operations professionals looking to learn Google Cloud SQL to implement and maintain Cloud SQL environments and create and deploy applications that store data in Cloud SQL, as well as individuals looking to obtain the Google Qualified Cloud SQL Developer certification
Duration: 01:59
Description: Google Cloud SQL allows developers to quickly create and manage instances of MySQL. It offers various tools for completing the tasks required to create and maintain the Cloud SQL environments as well as to create and deploy applications that store data in Cloud SQL. In this course, you will learn what Cloud SQL offers and how to use the Google Developers Console to create and manage Cloud SQL instances. This course is one of a series in the Skillsoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Google Cloud SQL Qualification exam CPE303.
Target Audience: Solution developers; solution architects; and systems operations professionals looking to learn Google Cloud SQL to implement and maintain Cloud SQL environments and create and deploy applications that store data in Cloud SQL; as well as individuals looking to obtain the Google Qualified Cloud SQL Developer certification
Duration: 01:59