Description: Virtualized environments have unique requirements for storage and movement of data. The unit of virtualization is the VM, which essentially runs the instance of a computer on a software-defined hardware. This course covers storage management for a VMware vSphere 6 environment. It also covers virtual machine creation and management, and best practices for VMs in a vSphere 6 environment.
Target Audience: Virtualization and cloud administrators who install, configure and manage vSphere installations
Duration: 02:16
Description: One of the main advantages in configuring cloud computing and virtualization is the use of virtual networks. Virtual networks offer the flexibility of any topology and aren't constrained by cable bandwidth limitations. This course covers the configuration of virtual networks in VMware vSphere 6 including VLANs and virtual switches.
Target Audience: Virtualization and cloud administrators who install, configure and manage vSphere installations
Duration: 02:04
Description: VMware vSphere 6 ESXi is the hypervisor underlying the vSphere suite of products, which enables bare-metal installation of VMs directly on a hardware. vCenter Server is a centralized management platform that ties it all together. This course covers installation and basic configuration of VMware vSphere 6 ESXi and vCenter Server, and the options to connect to them for management purposes.
Target Audience: Virtualization and cloud administrators who install, configure and manage vSphere installations
Duration: 01:59
Description: Virtualization using VMware vSphere 6 provides a host of benefits to a server environment including high availability, improved resource utilization, scalability, and ultimately cost benefits. This course covers the benefits of virtualization and the licensing level required to achieve the desired feature set in VMware vSphere 6.
Target Audience: Virtualization and cloud administrators who install, configure, and manage vSphere
Duration: 01:51