Treemaps are an impressive hierarchical data visualization feature of Power BI. Add in tooltips, matrices, slicers, and mobile readiness, and your reports will be highly interactive and engaging.
You'll start this course by creating and configuring a treemap in Power BI. You'll then set up a treemap tooltip and configure it to use a chart on another Power BI page.
Next, you'll create a Power BI report that automatically links the treemap to a matrix visualization. You'll then optimize this report for mobile device viewing.
You'll move on to use slicers and add them to a page in your Power BI report. Lastly, you'll work with different slicer settings for numeric and string (categorical) fields and implement horizontal and vertical slicer layouts.
Target Audience:
Duration: 01:07
Some of Power BI's advanced capabilities include mapping relationships among tables and customizing the look and functionality of matrix visualizations. You'll start this course using E-R (entity-relationship) diagrams to create, edit, and delete relationships among columns in different tables. You'll then move on to creating matrix visualizations and setting up a matrix control. You'll use the matrix control to visualize parent and child columns via a drill-down feature. You'll then create a column from a formula (known as a measure in Power BI) and perform various formatting operations to your matrix visualization, such as adding a title and row subtotals, editing text size and alignment, and turning on vertical and horizontal gridlines. Lastly, you'll implement conditional formatting on your matrix visualization.
Target Audience:
Duration: 01:57
Power BI and Power Query can be used in combination to facilitate both basic and advanced operations. In this course, you'll learn how to use Power Query to create the two types of calculated columns, custom and conditional.
Next, you'll use Power BI to import and clean data and create stacked line charts (area charts) to visualize data. You'll filter the unique categorical values of the visualized series using various filtering techniques. You'll then combine data between tables using a foreign key relationship and create a bar chart with line markers using the analytics card.
You'll move on to import a large number of files residing in the same folder. Lastly, you'll use Power BI's UI and Advanced Editor to perform basic data cleaning operations and Power Query to perform various advanced operations.
Target Audience:
Duration: 01:26
Power BI is one of the most commonly-used tools for building data reports from various source data. In this course, you'll start by installing Power BI Desktop and importing data to it from several sources, including the relational databases, MySQL and PostgreSQL, cloud data warehouses, and Excel, CSV, JSON, and XML files. You'll then use Power BI to perform simple operations, such as changing data types, renaming columns, and using uppercase text. You'll also open and run the Power Query app.
Moving on, you'll use Power BI to create and format simple data visualizations, such as bar charts, line charts, and stacked bar charts. Finally, you'll practice aggregating numeric data and string (categorical) data in charts, working with the correct aggregation operators for their respective fields.
Target Audience:
Duration: 01:32