
Just how do data miners pick up initiated transactions, order them, and verify them using Blockchain? Learn more about the work data miners do—and the very competitive races they run against each other—in this 8-video course, which begins by outlining the useful proof-of-work algorithm in Ethereum—as well as its hidden flaws. The course explains in detail how miners go about competing for and claiming mining rewards. As you progress, you will gain significant insights into the complex trial-and-error tasks facing miners and learn how hidden flaws in the process can then be addressed by the proof-of-stake algorithm. Learn to appreciate the functions and worth of smart contracts that eliminate the need for a trusted third party in many transactions. Finally, familiarize yourself with the important features of Solidity programing language, and begin to understand the important roles played by gas price and gas fields in any Ethereum transaction.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:15


If you need guidance in the area of cryptographic hashing and how it ensures immutability of transaction data, this multiple-video series is an invaluable tool. Inspecting hash values of downloaded files checks whether a file has been tampered with during the download process, and in blockchains, checks for alterations in the blockchain. This 8-video course helps you learn to recognize the role played by hashing and the practical benefits—faster consistency checks and lookups—gained by storing transaction data as chains of blocks. Learn to describe the Merkle tree data structure and its unique storage method, how it preserves ordering and facilitates searches, and how to outline steps related to verifying transactions in the Ethereum blockchain network, such as identifying the role of digital signatures in authenticating transactions and ensuring their integrity. Review Ethereum’s balance verification procedures for senders, to make certain the sender possesses the funds being transferred. Learn how to prevent replay attacks by implementing the transaction nonce.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:08


After reviewing the elements of blockchains and how they can store sequences of records, you will learn how to recognize Ethereum’s characteristics in this 8-video course. Participants will learn how to implement important concepts such as hashing, mining, miners (who successfully mine blocks of data), smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies. Familiarize yourself in depth with the process of mining; learn how mining acts to sequence records; and become able to distinguish between centralized and distributed ledgers. You will now be able to describe the role played by Ethereum’s special cryptocurrency—known as Ether—and identify the key details required when invoking transactions in the Ethereum network, which records data in a transparent and verifiable manner. By the end of this course, you will also be more proficient at recognizing the role played by mining nodes, and learn to define the special concept of gas, the term used to measure complexity of transactions.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:59