
Explore various Django class-based generic views, which help to simplify the tasks of viewing, creating, editing, and deleting instances of Django models, in this 14-video course. Django is a widely used web framework written in the Python language. You will begin with a two-part tutorial on updating forms in a Django app: part 1 on defining forms and a view function, and part 2 on configuring update forms. Then explore how to use the built-in generic views: ListView to list instances of a model in your Django project; DetailView; CreateView; UpdateView, and also DeleteView. Discover how to configure permissions for the DeleteView; generate an archive of your Django model instances using the ArchiveIndexView; and create an archive of Django model instances, categorized by year, using the YearArchiveView. A two-part tutorial on applying finishing touches concludes the course: part 1 on defining an "About Us" page for your Django application, and part 2 on setting a customized 404 error page for your Django website.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:46


In this 10-video course, learners explore uses of Django's built-in login and logout views, and how to configure them. Django is a widely-used web framework using the Python language. Discover how to define a user profile, including how to define the model, set the image direction, and display profile information. Begin by building a user login page in a website with built-in Django objects, and then configure where a user is redirected to on a Django website upon successful login. Learn how to define logout template to serve as logout pages for a Django website; present different views for users who are signed into your Django website as opposed to regular users; and configure views in a Django application to render only when the user is signed in. Explore user profiles and defining the model for the profile of a user of a Django application; setting the location in a Django project directory where media can be stored; and displaying a user's information, including associated images, in a profile page.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:12


Django is a widely used web framework written in Python language. Explore the use of models to represent entities in a Django project, how they fit in with the project database, and how to implement user registration for a website by using various built-in Django tools in this 12-video course. Learners begin with Django models and defining entities in Django applications in model form, then learn how to propagate model definitions to a project's database by generating and running a migration script; create instances of a Django model and access model attributes; and view, update, and create instances of a Django model from the built-in admin interface. Next, explore user registration and create a view that uses Django's built-in user registration form; define the URL and template file for user registration pages for Django applications; convey notifications to website users with flash messages; and save data submitted in a user registration form by extending its definition. Conclude by learning how to install and use the Django-crispy-forms library to format a Django application's user registration page.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:24


In this 11-video course, learners explore how to use templates to standardize components of a Django website, and different ways templates can be configured. Django is a widely used framework written in the Python language. Begin by learning how to add a new page to a Django website and use the Django template language to generate a URL for a URL pattern. Then move into creating a base template containing common elements for multiple pages in a Django website, and extending the base template and common elements defined within it while building individual pages in that Django website. Next, discover how to convey data from a view to a Django template in a dictionary, and apply styles defined in your CSS files to Django templates. Then move on to the Django admin interface, creating a superuser for your Django project and signing in to the Django user administration app, and using the Django admin interface to create new users. Finally, explore effects of assigning staff user status and specific permissions to Django app users.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:15


Explore fundamentals of Django applications, from installation and the structure of a project, to implementations such as views, URLs, and templates, in this 12-video course. Begin by learning how to create a virtual Python environment and install Django, then how to generate a new Django project and describe various files that are created. You will discover how to start the built-in Django development server on the default port, as well as a specified port; define a view and URL pattern in Django to render the text "Hello World" in a web page; and generate a new app within a Django project. Learn about migrations in Django and using the script of a Django project to propagate model definitions to the database. Then observe working with Django URLs by configuring project and app-level URLs in Django; defining a view that renders an HTML file in its response; and downloading and using boilerplate HTML, CSS, and Javascript files in a Django project. Conclude by learning how to modify boilerplate HTML files to suit Django project requirements.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:20


This 9-video course explores the concept of web frameworks and how they can speed up development of web applications, and examines the Django framework, a widely used framework written in the Python language. Learners begin by studying fundamentals of web requests, the steps and software required when processing web requests for static and dynamic websites. This leads into examining tasks involved in building a website and how web frameworks can speed up the process. Next, you will look at the Django framework and its features that can help to simplify web development, and the components of a Django application that are involved in processing web requests. Continue by observing what templates are in the context of Django and their use cases, and comparing Django models to database tables; then look at the role of the Django object-relational mapping layer (ORM) in mapping the two. Conclude the course by examining some of the built-in Django apps that developers can integrate into their own projects.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:56