
In this 14-video course, titled "User Authentication in Flask Applications," you will begin with an introduction to SQL Alchemy, then install it and use it to connect the Flask application—a widely used web framework written in Python language—to a SQLite database. You will observe how to use SQL Alchemy to generate relational database tables for each model defined in an application; execute queries against tables by using a SQL Alchemy model; and how to structure a Flask application for maintenance. Then you will modify import statements to account for restructuring of Flask app and test that functionality has not been affected. Use Bcrypt package to generate hashes of passwords so that they can be stored securely, and create a bespoke validator for fields in your WTForms. Next, learn how to enable users to log in and log out of a Flask application. You will access and display the three most recent reviews posted on your Flask website; learn how to test feedback display functionality; and display images in your Flask website.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:34


In this 12-video course, learners discover how to handle errors in Flask—a widely used web framework written in Python language—by serving a custom error page whenever a 404 error is invoked on a website. Learn how to configure a route in your Flask app so that POST requests can be submitted. Next, use the Flask debugger to record information in your application's log; convey the invocation of an operation to end users by using message flashing, and then highlight flashed messages by defining a style for them in a cascading style sheet (CSS) file. Next, explore how to install and use WTForms in Flask application to accept user input for registration, and define a login page by using field definitions and built-in form validations available in WTForms. Then include the two pages defined by using WTForms in the Flask application, and invoke the validators defined for WTForm elements to ensure that the user input is in the correct form. Finally, ensure that all built-in validators applied on the WTForm elements work as expected.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:21


You will begin this 12-video course by learning how to install Flask—a widely used web framework written in Python language—in a virtual environment on your development machine, and then write the code for a simple "Hello World" website by using Flask. You will explore how route definitions can be altered and the benefits of running your Flask app in debug mode. Next, define a route that renders an HTML page when a URL is accessed; download and use some boilerplate HTML files so your website definition need not begin from scratch, and modify the boilerplate cascading style sheet (CSS) and HTML definitions to customize the look of a website. Learn how to generate URLs dynamically by using the url_for function; create a base Jinja template that can be inherited by other templates, along with placeholders that can be overridden; and explore how to inherit the elements from a base Jinja template in a child template HTML file. Finally, learn how to define multiple routes to point to the same route function.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:30


Explore the steps involved in a web request and the role of web applications in this web development process in this 8-video course examining various pieces that can make up a web application, and the role of the web framework in defining it. Begin by observing a widely used framework, often defined as a microframework, written in the Python language, which is Flask. You will then explore the features of the Flask framework that are available either out of the box or via extensions. Following on from this, you will delve into the roles of routes in a Flask application and the options available when defining a route function. You will learn how to recognize the need for templates when defining a web site and describe the use of jinja for this purpose. The final tutorial in this course focuses on some of the commonly used extensions in the Flask applications and recalls the purposes they serve.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:50