
This 8-video course explores several Python applications for testing, including the unit-test framework, pytest, and doctest. To take this course, you should have prior experience with Python programming, and familiarity with running commands from a Linux shell. This course focuses on doctests, and examines how the doctest module allows the definition of simple python tests within the docstrings in your source code. You will examine what syntax is needed when manually running tests from a Python shell, and how to copy over shells. Next, you will learn to capture the output and use it in your source file, then how to create an executable document for your source. This course demonstrates packaging a readme file, and the tests for a Python module. Learners will examine the bundling of documentation and tests into a single executable file. You will learn how to Ellipsis directive to address unpredictable outputs. Finally, you will learn to instruct your doctests to ignore whitespace characters within the outputs of a test by using the normalized whitespace directive.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:44


Explore several types of testing frameworks for Python applications, including the unittest framework, pytest, and doctest, in this 12-video course. First, you will learn how to define and run tests, and how to streamline tests by using fixtures. You will learn the important features of the pytest framework to create small test units, and to define and run individual tests. Next, you will learn to group tests into multiple scripts, and how to execute multiple test scripts within a single run. Learners will observe how to create a simple test, and learn to increase the complexity by defining test scripts to cover multiple tests for your application. You will explore the execution and skipping of specific tests in scripts, then learn to simplify tests by using parameterization. You will learn how to apply filters on different tests, and to execute tests with a certain string in the test name, and examine the use of markers in a test. Finally, you will learn how to use fixtures to run operations common to multiple tests.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:14


This 10-video course explores advanced features of Python testing uses of the unit-test Framework, and will examine several ways to optimize tests. A labs-only course using Linux Shell, it explores the unit-test framework, the pytest, and the doctest, and how to use them to automate the testing of all the functions in Python applications. You will learn how to bundle common operations for multiple tests into a special function or fixture, which make test scripts easier to view and maintain. Next, you will learn to adjust the scope of fixture functions to execute before each individual test, or to execute just once for the entire test case. Learners will examine how to create and execute a collection of test cases called test suites. You will explore the PyCharm IDE (integrated development environment), which includes support for several different testing frameworks. Finally, you will explore how PyCharm IDE simplifies the creation of tests by generating boilerplate code for test scripts with just a few clicks.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:01


This 8-video course explores the unit-test framework in Python. To take this course, you should have experience in Python programming and the use of the Linux shell. The unit-test framework (also known as PyUnit) is modeled on JUnit and simplifies the automation of tests for Python applications. You will learn to use the unit-test framework to define tests for your application source code to ensure that it behaves in a specified manner. In this course, learners will write a sample test, and then expand the test scripts to include multiple tests. You will learn how to sequence the execution of tests in scripts, and how to filter out tests which do not require a specific run. Next, you will learn how to pass the output of test executions to identify the results of your tests, and how to diagnose test failures. You will learn how to run specific tests from among multiple tests in your scripts. Finally, this course demonstrates how to skip the execution of tests by using the skip decorator.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:50