
This course explores advanced Python function topics such as recursion, closures, and using generator functions to generate sequences. In 12 videos, you will learn how to use decorators to add functionality to code; examine how recursion can be used to construct code to solve complex problems; and learn to write a terminating condition for a recursive function. Next, you will learn how to use an Iterator to respond to a built-in next () function. Learners will also examine closures, and how as functions they maintain their own lexical environment; and explore how closures are functions that can yield dramatic results in the distributed processing of code, and are widely used in the implementation of distributed processing frameworks. Then you will learn how to use generator functions to generate sequences. You will learn how sequences can iterated upon by other parts of your program. Finally, you will learn that using decorators offers simple ways of invoking higher-order functions.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:27


This 13-video course offers learners an in-depth exploration of Python functions, by focusing on nuances such as argument passing by value and reference, and local and global variables. In this course, you will examine how functions are first-class citizens in Python, as with other data types. You will examine how Python allows functions to be stored in variables, passed into other functions as arguments, and returned from functions as return values. Next, you will learn how to identify and apply differences between parsing arguments by value and reference. Examine how Python treats functions on par with other data types, a key attribute of a program seeking to support the functional programming paradigm; and learn how to work with use and throw functions by using lam das. This course then covers how lightweight functions for one-off use called lambda functions or anonymous functions play an important role in keeping Python code both succinct and readable. Finally, you will learn how to appropriately choose between local and global variables for use in your program.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:27


Explore how Python facilitates code reuse by using functions in this 17-video course, which shows learners how to define functions, learn passing arguments to functions, and returning values from functions. The functions you will examine change the state of the program, may have side effects, and have observable effects other than their return values. Since functions with side effects are hard to parallelize and use in a distributed environment, you will learn correct ways of returning values from functions. First, you will learn how to invoke functions by using both positional and keyword arguments. You will next work with positional input arguments in custom functions, and learn that these are required arguments, and how to order these arguments to invoke your function. You will next learn to use variable length arguments in defining custom functions. Finally, you will learn how keyword arguments or named arguments are a way to make the intent behind function invocation absolutely explicit, and help prevent bugs in programs that are especially hard to detect.

Target Audience:

Duration: 02:04