
Explore essential best practices and concepts for secure Full Stack Development (FSD) programming in this 14-video course. Discover how to protect various layers in the FSD stack by configuring SSL (secure sockets layer), preventing and defending against attacks, analyzing logs, and cookie prefixing. Key concepts covered here include how secure programming applies to full stack developers; how to configure web servers to use SSL; and how to prevent cross-site forgery attacks. Next, learn to analyze logs with the ELK Stack; learn OWASP's top 10 security risks; learn how to configure HSTS on web servers; and learn how to prevent cross-site scripting attacks, when an attacker injects malicious client site code, most often Javascript, into a web application. Learn how to defend against click-jacking attacks, when an attacker wants the user to click something the user does not want to click; learn to prevent XSS attacks using CSP; and learn to prevent caching of sensitive data. Finally, learn how to identify cookie prefixing methods, and to prevent CSRF attacks by using the SameSite cookie attribute.

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Duration: 01:15