
Microservices thrive on independent services to provide flexibility, autonomous processes, and communication through APIs. In this course, you’ll examine the differences between Microservices and APIs, the benefits of using the Microservice Architecture, and the use of TDD for creating microservices. You’ll then learn how to create a simple microservice and the process of using TDD and BDD principles to develop APIs. Next, you’ll explore software testing techniques and tools for performing software testing. Lastly, you’ll learn how to perform a number of testing techniques, including unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, and acceptance testing.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:24


SOLID design principles help make software stable and flexible. In this course, you’ll learn about the five SOLID design principles for software development, which are Single Responsibility Principle, Open/Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle. You’ll then explore the use of each of the five SOLID principles in code. Next, you’ll examine the behavior-driven development process, including its benefits, how to perform BDD using Cucumber, and how to integrate BDD into the Scrum process. Lastly, you’ll learn about the similarities and differences between test-driven development and behavior-driven development.

Target Audience:

Duration: 01:31


Coupling test-driven development and design patterns will create higher efficiency for the Agile environment. In this course, you’ll examine TDD design patterns and how to develop code using TTD. You’ll learn about mock frameworks and mock objects, their importance, and how to use a mock framework while performing TDD. Next, you’ll explore user stories and best practices for using them in Agile software development. You'll learn the purpose of user story mapping and how to perform user story mapping with an online tool. You’ll see how to write scenarios and scenario outlines using Cucumber and Gherkin scenario syntax. Lastly, you’ll learn how to write scenarios and scenario outlines using Cucumber.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:57


Test-driven strategies help you develop highly usable software. In this course, you'll explore a number of test-driven development strategies, including test-driven development, test first development, acceptance test-driven development, traditional software testing, and unit testing. You’ll start by examining the TDD cycle, TDD best practices, and the TFD process. You’ll then examine the similarities and differences between TDD and TFD, as well as TDD and test last development. Next, you’ll learn about the ATDD process and how TDD compares with ATDD. You’ll look at unit testing, including its purpose, best practices, characteristics, and testing tools. Lastly, you’ll see how to perform unit testing with frameworks.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:54