
Explore the features, benefits, and solutions provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for end-to-end CloudOps implementation in this 14-video course, which examines features of Cloud Build and how to work with Cloud Build to automate workflows and application deployment. Learn how to create a source code repository by using Google Cloud Console and gcloud command line tool. Also, learn how to build and implement delivery pipelines with tools and services provided by GCP by exploring the technical, process, measurement, and cultural capabilities of GCP that drive high software delivery with CloudOps, along with the prominent solutions, benefits, and approaches of implementing end-to-end GCP CloudOps. Examine features provided by GCP's Cloud Build, along with how to use Cloud Build and cloud source repositories and GitHub to automate App Engine deployment, the prominent tools provided by GCP, and how to build configuration management workflows in GCP. Finally, discover how to create continuous delivery pipelines by using Google Kubernetes Engine, cloud source repositories, Cloud Build, and Spinnaker for Google.

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Duration: 01:20