Description: Service configuration settings control G Suite storage, sharing, and Chrome and Google Sync settings. Alerts can also be configured to notify administrators of service changes. User authentication options can enhance security. G Suite allows for centralized mobile device management.

Target Audience: G Suite Administrators responsible for G Suite Service Configuration, security settings including authentication, and mobile device management

Duration: 01:36

Description: This course will demonstrate how G Suite mail settings such as attachment and spam filtering improve the user mail experience. Sharing calendars and creating calendar resources such as conference rooms makes scheduling efficient.

Target Audience: G Suite Administrators who will configure or support G Suite e-mail and calendaring environments

Duration: 01:20

Description: This course focuses on the creating and management of G Suite users and organizational units.

Target Audience: G Suite administrators responsible for group and OU creation and management

Duration: 00:44

Description: This course begins with a G Suite overview, and is followed by various user configurations that are the responsibility of the G Suite administrator. Administrative task delegation will be demonstrated, in addition to the creation of custom roles.

Target Audience: G Suite administrators who are responsible for G Suite user management

Duration: 01:31