
Ready to go live? All that work you put into your presentation has come to this. PowerPoint on the Web enables you to improve your presentation by adding transitions between slides and even add animations to specific slide elements. You can also activate and use the notes section in your presentation. This is useful when presenting slides and you want to remember to highlight key information. Once your ready to present your presentation, you can activate the slide show mode to present. You can also publish your presentation online to make it accessible to others.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:19


A picture speaks a thousand words. Explore the graphic elements of PowerPoint, from working with images and hyperlinks to shapes and SmartArt. You can easily insert images from your computer or an online location. Hyperlinks can help you redirect the user to an external website. In order to help title or text stand out, you can use SmartArt graphic.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:48


Presentations are more effective when having a visual impact. Explore the ways you can polish your presentation, from working with fonts and text orientation to improving the visual appeal of shapes by adding effects. PowerPoint for the Web also comes with a handy Designer tool that offers useful suggestions on how to quickly change the look and feel of your slide.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:31


Once your presentation is done, you can save and print it. You can also save your presentation as a PDF which makes it easy to share and print. Another useful way to share your presentation is to share it by email or hyperlink. When editing your presentation it's important to know how to undo unwanted changes and redo changes. Discover how to save, print and share your presentation with PowerPoint for the Web.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:26


Bring your presentations to life. Themes allow you to quickly improve the appearance of your presentation. In order to save time when creating your presentation, you can copy, cut, paste and move slides. If you're collaborating on a project with others, it's a good idea to know how to work on the same presentation simultaneously. You can also add comments to make sure everyone is on the same page regarding the presentation with PowerPoint on the Web.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:28


Take the first step toward bringing your presentations to life. Begin working with PowerPoint from creating new presentations to working with the interface, changing view modes, and navigating slides. In PowerPoint for the Web you can choose between the new simplified tool ribbon or the classic tool ribbon to access you presentation tools. Once you create your presentation for scratch or with a template, it's important to know how to navigate your slides. You can also work on multiple presentation simultaneously.

Target Audience:

Duration: 00:29