Description: Any organization, regardless of its size, industry or location, is made up of people – people who interact on a daily basis, and not always without incident. Developing emotional intelligence within the organization is a key factor in ensuring that these relationships run smoothly. This is especially true of leaders, who must provide an example of how to behave in group settings.

In this course, you’ll learn how building emotional intelligence, or EQ, can improve team or group interactions. You’ll also explore the role of emotional IQ in workplace activities, conflict and stress management, as well as employee influence and engagement.

Target Audience: Anyone who wants to advance their aptitude for emotional intelligence

Duration: 00:26

Description: Organizational and interpersonal dynamics, along with high pressure situations, can sometimes cause others to behave unprofessionally. The way you react to their behavior can have a lasting effect on your future relationships. But, by building emotional intelligence, or emotional IQ, you can ensure that you’ll be able to understand and acknowledge other people’s emotions, and maintain strong relationships with them.

In this course, you’ll learn how to recognize emotional awareness in, actively listen to, and empathize with others by developing emotional intelligence, also known as EQ. You’ll also discover how to apply organizational awareness and empathy to enhance your workplace relationships.

Target Audience: Anyone who wants to advance their aptitude for emotional intelligence

Duration: 00:25

Description: In the workplace, emotions can often run high; sometimes, they can cause you to say or do things that you may later regret. But the only person responsible for your emotions is you; you own them. That’s why developing emotional intelligence is so crucial in protecting your professional reputation.

In this course, you’ll learn how to manage your emotional IQ, or EQ, in order to handle difficult situations more effectively. You’ll explore the science behind emotion, self-management techniques, as well as methods for recovering from emotional hijackings. You'll also learn different strategies for building emotional intelligence, such as taking ownership of your emotions, becoming emotionally self-aware, and identifying emotions.

Target Audience: Anyone who wants to advance their aptitude for emotional intelligence

Duration: 00:29